Ridgeway Primary Academy
Subject Page – Science
Intent Our science curriculum intends to teach the subject in a way to bring creativity back into science so the children are being taught in innovative and memorable ways. This can be from an unusual starting point which serves to motivate and challenge children as they embark on a new activity, to an innovative strategy of recording and presenting, to an inspired way of linking different areas of the curriculum which enables science learning to become more meaningful and deeply embedded. It is intended that our science curriculum covers all National Curriculum objectives in a practical way, allowing children to get hands on in lessons and be excited by science every time it is on the timetable. By covering science with a practical focus it also allows key working scientifically objectives to be met throughout the whole year in a variety of engaging ways. Science is taught on a weekly basis at Ridgeway to ensure that children are given as many opportunities to develop their understanding as well as develop a real love for the subject. |
Implementation Science starts as early as possible at Ridgeway, in Nursery. Children develop their sense of the world and community through the Understanding the World strand of our curriculum. Children are encouraged to observe, be curious, find out about the world and community and ask questions. This is achieved through whole class focused sessions, continuous provision, visitors and visits and our outdoor area. As children continue their journey throughout early years, children’s science knowledge and experiences are built upon from nursery to reception to support their transition to the year 1 science curriculum. As a core subject, science is split into three key areas: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. All three elements will be covered each year in key stage 2 and biology and chemistry being the focus for key stage 1. Some elements will be covered more than once, but each time learning will be recapped and then built on to allow children to gain a greater depth of knowledge throughout the subject. In key stage 1 biology will see a focus on plants, animals including humans, seasonal changes plus living things and their habitats. Chemistry in key stage 1 focuses on materials and their properties. In key stage 2 biology continues to look at plants, animals including humans, living things ad their habitats plus it introduces evolution and inheritance to year 6. Chemistry builds on the learning of materials and looks at their changing states while also bringing in the study of rocks to year 3. Physics comes into key stage 2 to look at lots of areas: light, sound, forces, electricity plus Earth and space. Within these science lessons, at Ridgeway, we do not expect children to produce pages and pages of formal experimental write up but rather them thinking, discussing, trying things out, getting their hands dirty, working inside and outdoors and having fun while learning. By covering units in multiple years children can make progress in specific areas and across specific skills. Working scientifically will be at the heart of the science activities covered meaning children will be encouraged to question, observe, measure, plan, research, record, present and evaluate at every opportunity. This will help and ensure children understand that science is just as much about what they do as about what they know. |
Impact The practical and engaging approach at Ridgeway ensures that science is taught in a memorable way so children can be motivated by the learning they are taking part in each week. This will help them to build up a core base of knowledge, skills and vocabulary that will help to inspire them to further develop their interest in future years.
By gaining exposure to lots of practical ways to be involved with science, using a range of scientific equipment and having access to a range of scientific workshops children will get a solid foundation of science learning throughout their time at primary school. Pupils at Ridgeway will become motivated scientists who can talk confidently about their scientific learning, apply their knowledge in an inquisitive manner and be inspired to discover what else science can offer in their future learning and beyond. |